The Dreaded Flonet!






Ragnar Kvaran














Remembering our friend, Flonet Biltgen, aka Flo, Dread, The Dreaded One, The Dreaded Flonet!

Here is how Flo got her official title, at Clarion, 1984

It’s The Dreaded Flonet!
By a couple of weeks into Clarion, Flo had already developed a reputation for being a savvy, incisive editor.

Harlan Ellison was our teacher for the week, and everyone was pretty nervous and excited. We took turns, as usual, going around the room, commenting on a story, waiting to hear what Harlan would say next.

When it was Flo's turn to talk, Harlan whirled around, pointed at her, and shouted, “It’s The Dreaded Flonet!”

There was a moment of startled silence, then Flo yelled “Ha!” and we all laughed, and she was thereby dubbed and anointed.


What Flo's friends say

Flo gave me the impression that she loved everything she did whether it was writing or attending SF conventions or whether it was something more "mundane" like her family or her friends.
She made me feel better.
A. J. Budrys


I always looked forward to us all getting together at Windycon and hanging out... and getting on the dance floor. Flo was comfortable to be around with her laid-back attitude, and her wry sense of humor was delightful.
Edna Budrys

Looking at her obituary, I couldn't somehow take it in. How can Flonet be gone? The Dreaded One, the Wonder Woman of Clarion '84? I was lucky enough to know her as both writer and friend, and every time we met, it was as if no time at all had passed, there was no awkwardness or uneasy silence to get past; what a gift that was. What a gift she was. And no drama from Flo, ever. Just that wry, calm, funny, unique sensibility, in
her prose and in her voice. She was like clean water, clear all the way to the source.
Kathe Koja


Mini-reunion, Gang of 84

I am amazed at how much a part of my life Flo was, even though we lived hundreds of miles apart, and only saw each other once every few years. It seems like everywhere I find evidence of her role in my life--I remember something she said, see a picture of her, something she wrote, think of our plans or ideas, find a card or an email, talk about her with a mutual friend. She was a great traveling companion, con-partner, and friend. I miss her immensely.
S. J. Beadle


Kim Hughes sends this photo:

Flo undergoing literary critique, Clarion 1984



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